Our Fitzroy store has had a makeover
Messina Fitzroy has had a makeover
Our flagship Melbourne store on Smith Street in Fitzroy is one of the original four Messina stores. We first tentatively opened our doors in Fitzroy in 2013 and fully expected tumbleweed to be rolling past the door on the first night. Instead, we were packed to the rafters and it was all hands on deck / scoopers.
It's been 6 years since then, so we thought it time we gave it a lick of paint, and more importantly, some brand-spanking new cabinets. We've replaced our original cabinets with a new version of pozzetti cabinets. Pozzetti are the traditional way to store gelato - it helps to keep the gelato protected and away from the elements of air, wind and moisture.
The new cabinets we’re now using have glass tops, so you will still be able to see the flavours as well as having them covered. We’ve always wanted to use pozzetti as they keep the gelato warmer and at a consistent temperature, but when we first opened our doors, these type of pozzetti cabinet weren't available with a glass lid. We wanted to show our flavours, which is why we used our traditional pots - but now, hopefully we have the best of both worlds!
Come see us this weekend to see what's new...