Our Very Own Farms
We have our own dairy and hazelnut farms which supply amazing ingredients for us to make our gelato with. On top of milk and hazelnuts, we also supply our own free-range eggs, honey, mint and as many fruit and vegetables we can grow!
How Did That Happen?
Ever since the very beginning, we have been obsessed with making the best gelato we can, using the highest quality ingredients we can get our hands on. As we've grown in store numbers - from our single site in Darlinghurst - to where we are now, we have maintained our ethos and in someways, are able to get even better produce, due to the volumes we need. We work with a handful of amazing suppliers for everything from our pistachios, which come from Bronte in Italy to our mangos from Erskine Park in QLD. And it got us thinking, could we produce anything ourselves?
If you didn’t know already, the main ingredient in gelato is milk - so this seemed like a logical place to start. In 2016, we bought our own dairy farm in Country Victoria and began the process of producing our own milk. It’s not been easy, but we’re very proud of how far we’ve come and that we’re now able to supply ourselves with our own beautiful creamy jersey milk, which we think makes the best gelato in the world. We have also embarked on a journey of growing hazelnuts (which is slightly longer term).
We now have our own chickens to produce our own eggs, grow as many vegetables as we can including our own supply of fresh mint which is cold pressed for our Mint Choc Chip, and have bee hives producing honey on both farms.
Dairy Farm
Not only do we now produce our own milk. We produce some of the highest quality Jersey milk we’ve ever come across. Super high in cream content and full of flavour, our milk is the foundation and critical building block to producing the best gelato in the world.
Hazelnut Farm
The nuts we currently buy, tondi di gentili dele lange, are from Italy and are honed as the best in the world. But this variety doesn’t grow very well in Australia and we wanted to grow our own so we could have more control over our gelato. Which lead us to buy our own hazelnut farm.

Our Chickens Have Arrived!
The latest addition to our farm is the arrival of our chickens. They will be produce eggs for all our gelato and production as well as hopefully giving us a few extra for breakfast every now and again!
We also have new bee-hives, and have planted a whole heap of new fruit and vegetable crops including fresh mint for our mint choc chip gelato.

Got A Question?
If the info in the articles above doesn't cover all the details you were looking for, feel free to email us and we'll happily answer any specific questions you might have.