We Deliver Via Uber Eats and DoorDash
Messina delivers from all stores via Uber Eats and DoorDash
How To Order On Uber Eats and DoorDash
- Go to ubereats.com/au or doordash.com/home download their nifty apps (available in the App Store or Google Play Store)
- Type in your address on their website or app. If a Messina store appears on the list of resturants, this means we deliver to you – woohoo!
- Select the items you would like to order.
- Pay for your order and cha-ching… we’ll get a beep in your nearest store with your order
- We’ll pack your tubs / cakes and you should expect an Uber Eats driver at your door within 30 mins or so...
I Have Some More Questions!
If you still aren't sure or need a little more help, read some FAQs below