We're Voting Yasss!
We’re voting a massive YASSSS to marriage equality.
This weekend we want to support our mates at and do our bit to raise awareness that the deadline for making sure you’re enrolled to have your say in the Marriage Equality Postal Plebiscite is 24th August – that’s next Thursday.
It’s pretty unbelievable that the government have decided to do a POSTAL vote in 2017, but let’s just get on with it. Make sure you’re registered and let’s get this discussion put to bed (with whoever you want). We just think it’s weird that a bunch of straight people might get to decide if same sex couples can marry! Do we support same sex marriage? Sure, but we think everyone should have the right to make their own decisions. Its not rocket science is it…
It’s about time Australia joined the 30 countries that have already legitimised marriage equality and lets stop talking about it!
You can visit any Messina store this weekend and ask them for a paper form to register for your vote or update your details. Fill it out, hand it back to a staff member and we’ll make sure we post it for you on Monday. That in itself is a pretty old school way to do it, so you can fill out the form online.
PRINTED FORMS WILL BE AVAILABLE IN ALL MESSINA STORES UNTIL CLOSE ON SUNDAY 20TH AUGUST. We promise to post any completed forms on Monday 21st August via Australia Post.