Manbulloo Mango Farm

We're sourcing the freshest Kensington Pride mangoes direct from Manbulloo Farms in Northern Australia, before they're pureed and blended into our creamy gelato.

If you're a fan of our mango sorbet, salted coconut and mango sorbet or myriad of mango specials... like mangoes and cream, mango pancake, khaleesi or mango cheesecake, you're not alone. It's no secret that these are some of our most popular year-round flavours due to the freshness and intense summer flavour of Kensington Pride mango flesh.

We're now sourcing direct from the Manbulloo Farms who have been growing the cream of the crop in tropical far North Queensland and the Northern Territory since 1982. They're the optimum variety due to the uniquely sweet and fragrant flavour, with a soft, fibreless flesh.

Visit any of our stores to try it for yourself!


Blog posts

  1. The Messina Milk Bar is coming to Vivid Sydney

    It’s time for a scoop of nostalgia. The Messina Milk Bar is coming to Vivid Sydney's Fire Kitchen with a special edition menu.

  2. June Tickets for Messina Creative

    Messina Creative has been quietly humming away at Messina HQ in Marrickville, delighting guests with our unique six-course degustation. We've just ...
  3. Snapchat Scoop Giveaway — Mates Day

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